Etsy keywords for Google ads for "Gift" searches July 2024

This is a list of 2230 keywords that Etsy is currently appearing in Google ads for. This is specifically for July of 2024 and for searches that contain the keyword "gift."

This isn't meant to be a way to be seen on Etsy offsite ads (or to avoid them) but it will tell you the keywords that Etsy is showing up for, and what types of things they're paying to be found for.

All of these keywords have "gift" in them, so if you don't sell things that are gifts, these might not apply.

The reason you would use these is to see what kind of terms people are using that bring up ecommerce results, and that Etsy is targeting. If they're targeting these, then they must think there's decent traffic behind them.

Most of these are probably pretty evergreen, but there are probably a lot of seasonal terms, too.

The spreadsheets are in excel and csv formats, and I added a pdf. The spreadsheets have the keyword and then info about the title of the ad that goes with them, which tells you the keywords that Etsy is associating with the searched keyword.

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